Our growth as Christians starts with our commitment to the Lord. this is called in the Bible Justification. But once we become Children of God – our life as a Christian just begins. We have to grow. God does this by systematically bringing our sins to the surface of our consciousness and then removing them through trials and prayer.
The process of growing is called sanctification. the Holy Spirit works through our daily lives to awaken in us a desire to be like Christ. God uses many different ways to accomplish His finished work in us. He uses fellowship, prayer, Bible Study and communion with God to change our lives.
When we accept Jesus as our Lord we are “Born Again”. Our old man dies immediately and we become new creatures. We cease being slaves to sin and are now slaves to righteousness. But the war between our old nature and our new creature continues to wage. This war can only be won by becoming aware of our sin and then submitting our lives in obedience to God through studying His word.
The following articles are a series of thoughts and meditations by members of the study group based on their experiences and the lessons they have learned through this sanctification process. If you want to discuss any of these thoughts or ideas, email Mike or Walt with your thoughts. God promises that He is faithful to complete the work He has started in each of us. We are a work in process. Never perfect, just saved.
God Bless.