No Compromise

By Guy Baker

Every day we reach a cross roads and are faced with ethical choices which affect our business, our family, our reputation and our clients. I wonder whether we really weigh the right factors when these crossroads appear?
It’s been almost a decade since I was faced with my toughest decision. My employees were burdened by a business relationship gone sour. The oppression and resentment was building. I was going to have to take action or risk losing my greatest asset, my employees.
I spoke plainly about the consequences, they were not pretty – the loss of all revenue, some important clients, perhaps financial ruin. But in reality we had no choice. Staying was wrong, it was unethical and it was causing great tension and stress. Leaving was going to be traumatic and painful. But staying was destructive and self defeating.
It was then I learned about the power of compounding consequences. I truly understood for the first time the importance of facing the Goliath in our lives early, before he grows to big. If I had taken action when I first understood the problem, I would have escaped with hardly a scratch. But at the time it seemed more like a gapping wound. It was only in retrospect, I realized it was a scratch.
Consequences compound over time. What appears now to be overwhelming, will often with hindsight appear nominal. If you look back on your toughest decisions, there was probably a time when you could have escaped for a much smaller price. It was sure that way for me. I could have gotten out for a mere pittance compared to the final price tag. The consequences compounded to the point where I almost could not afford to do what was right.
That’s the way life works. Our adversary wants us to believe we have no choices. He wants us to believe we are boxed in and must accept a lesser life than the abundant life God promises His children. When we fall victim to our fears, we allow our adversary to gain a foothold in our life. This compromise becomes a habit and ultimately we become trapped by our own foolishness.
When I realized I was facing total destruction, regardless of which way I turned, I knew I had no choice but to finally do it God’s way. I surrendered. Believe me when I tell you, that was a tough choice. I was giving up all control (like I had any). I was telling God, He was now in control and I would accede to whatever course He choose.
At the time, I was totally lost in my consequences. I was drowning in fear and the mess I had made of my life. I sat back and watched this fantasy mobile swirl around my head. Debt, confusion, family, problems, business issues, lawsuits. I was surrounded by my bad decisions with no way out, but one. As I watched this parade, I was comforted by a thought I am sure came from the Holy Spirit. I was reminded there is great peace in the eye of a hurricane. All I had to do was stay there and let it pass.
It was then I coined a thought, a motto which has been with me ever since. I simply told God, I would do the work. I do everything I was capable of doing, but I would allow Him to determine the results. If I failed it was because God ordained it and it was okay with me. If we survived and were successful, then it was only because of God’s grace, not because of anything I did.
We were expelled from this unsavory business relationship and found ourselves wondering what God had for us. We dedicated the new business to God and all prayed He would bring us through our crisis. I knew I was facing years of rebuilding, but I also knew God, in His perfect timing would carry us through. I did the work and God got the results.
It has been 10 years since we were jettisoned from our office building and into the night. Locked out and deprived of our files and personal effects. Ten years since we dedicated our business to the Creator, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is faithful. He met all our needs.
I can remember several paydays when I had no idea how I would ever fulfill my obligation. Yet, miraculously, in the mail, over the phone, money magically appeared every time. We never missed a payroll. I went four years without a paycheck. Yet, I never bounced a check, missed a payment or defaulted on a loan. God is faithful and He can meet our every need. It was always in His timing, at His pace, meeting His purpose. All I wanted to do was stay out of His way.
I encourage any of you who are facing similar circumstances, to turn your problems over to God. Dedicate the rest of your life to no compromise. Do everything unto the Lord and see what He can do. It was the toughest choice I ever made. I am not certain I could have done if I had any other choices. Fortunately, God knew what it would take to get my attention. He is faithful and will meet all of our needs. All we have to do is confess our sins and repent. Start today being the best we can be to the glory of God. The result will blow you away.